Humboldt Table Rock Steinauer News in white lettering with blue background

A Makerspace program is a place where students can gather to create, invent, tinker, explore, and discover using a variety of tools and materials (Rendina, et al., 2017). Students will be able to be creative with the equipment to construct items or develop coding skills to begin to learn the world that they will be growing up in. It should be exciting to see what or how everyone develops his or her ideas.

The Makerspace room is taking shape. The equipment is here and getting ready to begin. Coding is one of the main pieces of equipment. We have purchased Spheros, Ozobots, and Dash robots that can be coded and then the students can try them out to see if they do what they want them to do. The Sphero is even waterproof, so it will be fun to do activities with some water. 

Also in the Makerspace, Legos and K’nex are available for building ideas. Students will develop their plan, will draw their idea, and then build a prototype of their ideas. It will be exciting to see the pieces come together for the students. 

Creativity is also a part of the Makerspace. The room has paper, markers, paint, crayons, pipe cleaners, etc. These items can be used for the students to use their own creativity to foster their own learning experience. It will be an exciting time for students.

Rendina, D., Doyle, H., Gehringer, C., J, Witry, M. K., & Yingling, K. (2017, October 9). Defining Makerspaces: What the Research Says. Retrieved from http://www.renovatedlearning.c...